As a small business owner you have
more important things to do like run your business and
generate profit than to utilize your time to keep your own
books therefore we assist you in keeping your books. Each
month or quarter we'll do the following things for
- These tasks form the solid foundation of your small
business accounting system. You can customize the package of
services you receive by adding payroll, tax planning, tax
preparation, or any of our other services.
New Service:
Online Accounting Relief
We also offer Accounting Relief, an ideal accounting package
that lets you collaborate with us by entering checks,
deposits, or bookkeeping transactions on the same system we
then use to analyze your trial balance and prepare your
financials. We are able to customize this system for your
benefit, so that it provides an ideal comfort level depending
on your needs and your background in accounting. Because this
system is Internet-based, both of us can log in to it
securely, without the cumbersome process of transferring data
back and forth between your computer and ours.
General Ledger
- The general ledger is the core of your company's
financial records. These records constitute the central
"books" of your system. Since every transaction flows through
the general ledger, a problem with your general ledger throws
off all your books.
- Having us review your general ledger system each month or
quarterly allows us to hunt down any discrepancies such as
double billings or any unrecorded payments.
Manage Income Statement
- An income statement, otherwise known as a profit and loss
statement, basically adds an itemized list of all your
revenues and subtracts an itemized list of all your expenses
to come up with a profit or loss for the period.
- An income statement allows you to...
- Track revenues and expenses so that you can determine the
operating performance of your business.
- Identify specific items that are causing unexpected
expenditures. Like Repairs, phone, postage, or supply
- Track dramatic increases in product returns or cost of
goods sold as a percentage of sales.
Balance Sheet
A balance sheet
gives you a snapshot of your business' financial condition at
a specific moment in time.
- A balance sheet helps you...
- Quickly get a handle on the financial strength and
capabilities of your business.
- Identify and analyze trends, particularly in the area of
receivables and payables. You can determine if your business
is in a position to expand.
- Determine if your business can easily handle the normal
financial ebbs and flows of revenues and expenses?
Balance sheets, along with income statements, are the most
basic elements in providing financial reporting to potential
lenders such as banks, factoring company, investors, and
vendors who are considering how much credit to grant you.
Bank Reconciliation
- Reconciling your business checking account each month
allow us to keep your bank account, accounting, and taxes
- Having us reconcile your account each month allows you
- Identify lost checks, lost deposits and unauthorized wire
- Detect and prevent excess/unjustified bank charges and
ensures transactions are posted correctly by your bank.
- Detect and prevent embezzlement of funds from within your
- Manage your cash more effectively.
- Protect yourself. By timely reconciling and promptly
objecting to your bank about any unauthorized, fraudulent or
forged checks presented to your bank and paid by that bank,
you can relieve your agency of responsibility for the
shortfall and transfer the risk to the bank. This reason to
reconcile alone should be enough. Crime exists.
Compilation - Lowest Level of
- In compiling financial statements for a client, we
present information that is the "representation of
management" and expresses no opinion or assurance on the
statements. Compilations don't require inquiries of
management or analytical procedures. Instead, we rely on our
knowledge of accounting principles and a general
understanding of your business.
QuickBooks Services
- QuickBooks is the ideal business accounting software for
small to mid-sized business owners. Here's why you should be
using QuickBooks. Although QuickBooks is designed for the
layman to understand, the initial setup and installation can
be tricky. We can save you hours of frustration by assisting
you in setting up QuickBooks. We can train you or your staff
to properly operate QuickBooks for your business.
More information
Audits - Reviews - Compilations
Stockholders, creditors, and
private investors often need assurance that the financial
statements accurately represent the true financial position
of a company.
Your stockholders, creditors, or private investors have
different levels of risk tolerance, so we provide three
levels of assurance to meet your needs.
Audit - Highest Level of Assurance
- An audit provides the highest level of assurance. An
audit is a methodical review and objective examination of the
financial statements, including the verification of specific
information as determined by the auditor or as established by
general practice.
- Our work includes a review of internal controls, testing
of selected transactions, and communication with third
parties. Based on our findings, we issue a report on whether
the financial statements are fairly stated and free of
material misstatements.
An Audit allows you to...
- Satisfy stakeholders such as employees, customers, and
financial institutions.
- Facilitate the purchase and sale of businesses.
Here's what you get...
- You get the highest level of assurance because we go
outside your company to obtain more information. Typically,
we'll have written communication with:
- Your customers, to check outstanding receivable
- Your banks, to confirm cash or debt balances and
- Your vendors, to verify outstanding payable
- Your attorneys, for information on pending or
threatened legal action.
- We also perform physical inspections by observing your
inventory counting methods and perform test counts. We
document and test each operating cycle, including sales and
cash receipts, expenses and cash disbursements, and payroll.
Our audit papers include a detailed work program to document
the examinations and testing performed, as well as the
client's supporting work papers.
Review - Limited Assurance
- Less extensive than an audit, but more involved than a
compilation, a review engagement consists primarily of
analytical procedures we apply to the financial statements,
and various inquiries we make of your company's management
team. If the financial statements or supporting information
appear inconsistent or otherwise questionable, we may need to
perform additional procedures.
- A review doesn't require us to study and evaluate your
company's internal controls or verify data with third parties
or physically inspect assets. Rather, a review report
expresses limited assurance in the form of the statement: "We
are not aware of any material modifications" for the
financial statements to be in conformity with the Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Reviewed financial
statements must include all required footnotes and other
Compilation - Lowest Level of
- In compiling financial statements for a client, we
present information that is the "representation of
management" and expresses no opinion or assurance on the
statements. Compilations don't require inquiries of
management or analytical procedures. Instead, we rely on our
knowledge of accounting principles and a general
understanding of your business.
We Offer Free Consultations
- Peter Advani CPA,PLLC are always available to spend time
with you so you fully understand how to interpret and utilize
the financial information we provide. Our consultations are
already included in our price, so please feel free to call us
whenever you have a question or concern.
Accounting | Compilation, Review, and Audit | Business | Payroll | Taxation | Financial Services
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